Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for the child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Delivered by our local church partners, shoebox gifts provide an opportunity to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear, child-friendly way. Rosanne Garner is our OCC coordinator. The House of Prayer accepts donations, toys and supplies all year long in preparation for OCC assembly and delivery. Our goal this year is to pack 750 shoeboxes.
House of Prayer is a Drop off Location during the National Collection Week, Nov. 18–25, 2024

Tim and Erin are long-term missionaries to Tanzania in East Africa with Pioneer Bible Translators. Tim has expertise in Greek and translation principles. Erin helps with sound and grammar systems. To learn more about their ministry or get involved in their monthly support, please contact our church office.

MY FATHER’S HOME FOUNDATION focuses on child victims of PROSTITUTION, DRUG TRAFFICKING, ABUSE and ABANDONMENT, providing homes and restoring the children to spiritual, physical and emotional health while reaching out to their families and communities. Rescue, Train, Sustain, Orphaned children are the most vulnerable children in the world. Orphans are targets for sex traffickers due to their lack of a support system and lack of shelter. Today we have thousands of children’s who face that problem, even at the age of 6. Their families are defenseless victims of oppression and persecution in a hostile culture. Orphans are exceptionally vulnerable to business owners looking to take advantage of free labor. Thousands of kids are working on brick kilns as early as the age of five. Working in conditions of blistering heat and damp cold, these dear children survive with little food, clothes or shelter. Many grow in slavery and die in slavery. We long to rescue these young victims of slavery and give them a better future in the Lord. Without supervision or proper medical care, so many orphans fall victim to diseases and ailments that otherwise could be cured with simple treatments. Orphan children are the first target of drug addicts and sexual predators. HELP US SAVE THESE CHILDREN. Don’t let them live another day in this life of shame and fear. Give them hope and a future.
If you would like to donate towards this mission, please donate towards the Pakistan in the Giving tab.